The New and the Old
04 August 2019

Joe Nolan from the HYC Cruiser Group member sent us this important photo taken today in Baltimore Co. Cork. The photo is of the Restored Vintage Lifeboat alongside the larger present Lifeboat. The vetern lifeboat of the August 13th 1979 Fastnet Race Tragedy was restored by Jeff Houlgrave for this 40th Anniversary. This important lifeboat came to be regarded as a symbol of all the many lifeboats and vessels involved in the rescue effort mounted during the 1979 Fastnet Race. The Baltimore Lifeboat was at sea longer than any of the other vessels. These rescue efforts saved 132 lives including many HYC members.
The new Lifeboat alongside the old also played a major role in the rescue of 21 crew off the Rambler 100 in 2011, when the keel snapped and threw all its crew into the Atlantic off the Fastnet Rock.
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