Small Craft Register – Irish Sailing want to hear from you

19 November 2018
Small Craft Register – Irish Sailing want to hear from you
Earlier this summer Irish Sailing asked boat owners for their experiences of sailing boats abroad, registering boat on the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport’s Part 1 Register, registering with other flag states etc. Irish Sailing are now requesting a meeting with the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and would like to ensure your voice is heard. To be part of this representation please share your experience directly by email to [email protected] before November 23rd.
Irish Sailing has been representing the interests of its membership, and have made representations to the Department on a number of occasions in the past. They have been campaigning for a statutory Small Craft register to be  established for recreational craft  travelling abroad - a registration system that is voluntary, appropriate, accessible, affordable and easy to obtain - as exists in many other European States.
The Department committed in the Maritime Safety Strategy 2015-2019 to start work on developing such a registration system in 2017 and encourage recreational craft under 24m to register in 2018, however there is still no sign of it. Irish Sailing have been told firmly that in the interim the current Part 1 register used for commercial shipping is available and fit for purpose for Recreational craft, which is contrary to anecdotal feedback received to date from boat owners.
Have your voice heard and share your experiences directly to Harry in Irish Sailing on [email protected] and we can work together to make a difference.