Ireland's Eye Golf Society 2024

IEGS Officers

President: John Massey
Captain: Larry Quinn
Vice Captain: Geraldine Eickholt
Secretary: Joe Grant (0879673911)
Treasurer: Zoe Murphy


Programme for 2024

Thursday April 18th  Skerries Golf Club  
Thursday May 23rd Deerpark Golf Club Team Event
Friday June 21st Balcarrick Golf Club  
Friday July 19th Clontarf Golf Club  
Thursday August 22nd Howth Golf Club Captains Prize
Thursday September 3rd     Match vs NYC Golf Society               in Dun Laoghaire
Thursday October 3rd Sutton Golf Club President's Day
Thursday November 14th IEGS Annual Dinner  Howth Yacht Club


IEGS 2024 - Photo Gallery  





July 19th- The Alan Hines Trophy.
The winner.  Carol Cribbin.   37 pts. H/C. 33
Runner-Up.   Zoe Murphy.     34 pts. H/C. 34
3rd Place.     Sarah Lappin.   32 pts. H/C 30. 
Front 9:       Joe Cull
Back 9:        Tom Fitzpatrick
Cat 1:         John Bennett.               
Cat 2:         Frank Kelly
NTP: Men.   Tom Duffy
NTP: Women. N/A
Longest Drive-Men.           Larry Quinn/Kevin Monks
Longest Drive-Women.      Carol Cribbin.
Next Outing: Larry Quinn’s Captains Day 22nd  August.
                   Playing for The Fulmar Cup
We will be dining in Howth Golf Club later that evening where the Prizegiving will take place. Looking forward to a record attendance for our Captains Day.

Timesheet will open early August.


June 21 - Balcarrick Golf Club

We had a great attendance with 37 members playing and 2guest players.

Beautiful sunshine to start us all off, but then came the rain ☔️
Some of us got away very lightly. But it didn’t deter the prize winners.

First prize          Joe  Grant.
Second               Dudley Hudson
Third.                   Frank Flood

Front nine.         Bernadine Jennings
Back nine.         John Bennett

Cat 1.                  Dave Galavan
Cat 2.                  Nuala O Connell
Cat 3.                  Eileen Lappin

NTP.  Men              Paul Cullen
NTP  Women.      Geraldine Eickholt

Longest drive Men.         Paul Cullen
Longest drive Women.   Kathleen Harbison

Being Mid Summers Night in the Rain. !!!!!!!!!!   We had a Pimms reception in the Lighthouse attended by a record number of members and quests. Also Prize Giving Dinner afterwards
Our President, John Massey and Captain, Larry Quinn, were in attendance.
The prizes were awarded by our Captain, Larry Quinn. 
Thanks to Zoe for all our money matters. Also Geraldine for arranging the food.

Our next outing is 19th July Clontarf Golf Club. 18hole and a 9 hole (Alt ) stableford competition. Also free entry to a Putting Competition.


May 23 - Deer Park Lighthouse Team Event

Our second outing of the year was held in Deerpark.

Having a few weeks of sunshine - we returned to cold and windy conditions. Nevertheless the completion was enjoyed by all. We had 6 teams all named after a Lighthouse.

The Prize Giving Dinner was held in HYC. We had 33 members dining. It was presided over by our President. John Massey and Captain Larry Quinn who presented the prizes

  • 1st. Mary Beddy. Kathleen Harbison. Dudley Hudson. Paul Cullen.
  • 2nd. Deirdre McCarthy. Larry Quinn. Joe Grant.
  • 3rd. Zoe Murphy. Nuala O Connell. John McDonnell. Gunter Eickholt

Special thanks to Sarah Lappin for braving the cold to see all the teams on their way. Also to Geraldine Eickholt for arranging the food.

Our next outing is Balcarrick on 21st June.


April 18 - Skerries

We had our first outing of the year on 18th April in Skerries Golf Club.

There was a good turnout of 32 players and we enjoyed very pleasant weather.

The course was in good condition considering all the rain we have had this past few weeks.

The Prize Giving Dinner afterwards in HYC, with 27 members in attendance, was presided over by Our Society Captain Larry Quinn who presented the prizes.

The winners were:

  • Winner. Dudley Hudson 34 pts. (38)
  • Runner up. Joe Grant. 33 pts. (26)
  • 3rd. John McDonnald


  • Front 9. Tom Fitzpatrick
  • Back 9. Gillian Guinness


  • Cat 1. Will Murray
  • Cat 2. David Yeomans
  • Cat 3. Frank Kelly


  • NTP. Dudley Hudson
  • Longest drive. Men. Will Murray
  • Longest drive Ladies. Gillian Guinness


A warm welcome to three new players: Kevin Monks, Will Murray, David Yeomans.

Also welcome back to Gillian Guinness and Mossy Shanahan.

Our next outing is Thursday 23rd May in Deerpark Golf Club.