Tobermory Third Time Lucky!
04 March 2020

Last Monday night the HYC Cruising Group had a presentation "Skerries to Tobermory- third time lucky" by Brian Lennon from Skerries Yacht Club. Brian gave this presentation as part of the preparation for the 125th Anniversary Cruise to Scotland and for our participating members of the HYC Cruising Group.
Brian's meticulous planning for this voyage gave our members the benefit of seeing an expert sailor in action.
After trying in vain to reach Tobermory Scotland in 'Blue Air' in 2014 and 2016. Brian Lennon set out again in June, 2019 and on this occasion was third time lucky! Brian explained the link with Skerries Sailing Club and Tobermory
with the special stainless steel chair dedicated to Skerries members and which is permanently installed in the famously picturesque town on the Isle of Mull. Brian and his crew beat the gremlins of other years by a cunning change of plan, to sail non-stop to Tobermory and then take their time seeing all the Scottish famous site and islands on a leisurely return voyage. He demonstrated how he managed the complexities of strong tides at Strangford, the Mull of Kintyre, the Sound of Jura and the whirlpool of the Sound of Luing. Brian and his crew met the three "Game of Thrones" brothers with their father Willy Mulhall (see below photo) in Ardglass on his way back. Brian's meticulous planning for this voyage gave our members the benefit of seeing an expert sailor in action.

HYC Cruising Group's William Kearney presenting Brian with a bottle of wine in appreciation of his talk.
Click below planning sheet to enlarge...
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