Start of Season Breakfast and Line-Heaving Competition
28 April 2019
A great turnout for this year's event, despite the stormy weather, was had by the Cruising Club members for the Start of Season Breakfast held in the Club on Saturday morning 27th April.Over 45 people attended the event. Sandra (front of house) and the Chef Marcel had an ample supply of breakfast goodies and seconds for all. This was the first event to be organised by our new caterers and was a resounding success.
A video of the of a Scotland and Caledonian Cruise was shown during the breakfast. Despite the strong winds, a magnificent throw by Michael O'Connor remained unbeaten by all contestants. After the event, Michael became the New Line Heaving Champion for 2019 and was presented the Asgard Trophy by Ian Byrne the Commodore. A painting of the Asgard was also presented to Mike Medcalf the winner of the 2018 Line Heaving Event as a remembrance of his win.

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